


Konferensrapporten från ONCA meeting 2017 finns nu tillgänglig här!





Välkommen till den 16:e Nutritionsdagen som samarrangeras av SWESPEN (Swedish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism), Nutritionsnätet för sjuksköterskor, Dietisternas Riksförbund och Svensk Förening för Klinisk Nutrition, i samarbete med Örebro Universitet.


Onsdagen 16 maj kl 09-16


Lokal: Aulan, Novahuset, Örebro Universitet, Örebro




The new ONCA website, designed specifically to make sharing Good Practices as quick and easy as possible, is now online. The new site can be found at the same address, https://european-nutrition.org


Launched in 2014, the Optimal Nutritional Care for All (ONCA) campaign is a multi-stakeholder initiative to facilitate greater screening for risk of disease-related malnutrition/undernutrition and nutritional care implementation across Europe. 


The campaign supports national professional societies, associations and patient groups in public health and health care to implement nutritional risk screening and optimal nutritional care in their country. The European Nutrition for Health Alliance (ENHA) provides structure, coordinates, inspires and facilitates.


ENHA has appointed a Steering Committee from its membership to lead the initiative through strategic guidance and engagement with partners at national level. The Steering Committee is made up of representatives from ESPEN, EUGMS, ESPEN, PGEU, HOPE, EFAD, EGAN and MNI.

save the date! 16 oct 2017 - body composition course



On 16 October 2017 the Research Group Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care and Nursing will organize the course “Imaging and body composition assessment: An introduction to computed tomography and ultrasound”. A unique opportunity to gain insight in the current state of the art on body composition assessment by international experts, and to get introduced to CT scan analysis and ultrasound by practical hands-on sessions!


Register here!

Find out more!
Body Composition Course Groningen 16 Oct
Adobe Acrobat Document 265.8 KB

Ta del av material från nutritionsdagen!



HÄR finner du presentationer och dokument från Nutritionsdagen 5 maj 2017.

Swespens nutritionsdag 5 maj


Välkommen till den 15:e nutritionsdagen som samarrangeras av SWESPEN, Nutritionsnätverket för Sjuksköterskor, Dietisternas Riksförbund och Svensk Förening för Klinisk Nutrition. I år hålls mötet i Uppsala.


Läs mer här!

IBD & Nutrition symposium


IBD & Nutrition Symposium äger rum den 31 mars - 1 april 2017 i Dublin, Irland.


Läs mer här

Grundkurs i dysfagi


Grundkurs i dysfagi 24-26 april på Skånes Universitetssjukhus i Malmö. 

Anmälan görs senast 10 april.


Inbjudan som pdf

APNEP pre-congress


APNEP is going to hold its annual congress on 27th and 28th of March in Porto, Portugal.


On 25t of March there will be a pre-course entitled "Body composition assessment: an introduction to Computed Tomography and ultrasound"